Monday, 22 October 2018

Lo3 production schedules.

A production schedule is used for planning the events that are going to occur during the production of your product.
production schedule would be created by a production manager. 

  • A production schedule should include features such as:-

- milestones
- contingencies
- time frames
- the name of the activity
- resources. 

  • Effective features of a production schedule. 

- helps give a clear understanding on which different stages need to be competed to create the product. 
- is relevant to everyone within the production team. 
- easy to read. 
- gives a goal to work towards. 
- works similar to a to-do list - motivational. 
- already factors in delays as it has contingencies.
- they're adaptable and cost effective / not expensive to make  and easy to edit.  
- can prepare all the resources you will need. 

  • Ineffective features of a production schedule. 
- timeframes and milestones need to be realistic and adaptable so that the launch date of the product isn't effected.
- tasks need to be clear as the schedule is relevant to everyone. 
- there needs to be a backup of the production schedule as it needs to be accessible to everyone - have it online / on a website / on one drive. 

Need to include other documents when planning a product such as visualisation diagrams. 
Need to conclude how it is more effective than ineffective. 

Games-ed mock feedback.

The grade I got for this mock was 23 / 32 - (M)

I was only two marks off a distinction grade,  I think this is due to the fact that I lost marks on the 'explain' questions,  to get more mars I think I should have used more examples from the brief and explained why specific elements were important / significant to the question, I also think I needed to think outside the box more when writing / thinking of answers.

A swot should be done before the production of a product to ensure that all strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities are clear and it is clear what elements need to be focused on.

- Games-ed specialse in creative games skills / experience) 
- 'gap in the market' no competitors - explain why this is beneficial. 

- Gameplay and design being simple enough for target audience. 
- give suggestions / how would you solve the problem?
- needs to be rent to the brief. 

- Expansion of the game / sucsess could lea o new markets / used in schools. 
- think outside the box - make it available in School. 

- Timescale (not enough time) use examples e.g. Testing, coding, planning and designing, design and add controls, scoring systems, different levels. 
- appeal to young audiences: who are your competitors? - fortnite, GTA etc. 
- only available on touch enabled devices 
- audience feedback - if the audience don't like the product then you'll have to change it which would rate time money / budget etc, therefore being a threat as you dot have as many resources to create a new product. 

Monday, 1 October 2018

Lo2 - Key exam terms for unit 2 exam.


  • Identify - (pass grade question) a one word / one sentence answer, typically worth one mark. 
  • Explain - (merit grade question) identify / state a point, then explain it (using the word because)- must be relevant to the brief, typically worth at least 3 marks.

  • Evaluate - (distinction grade question) typically the last question on the exam paper, usually between 16-20 marks when it's the last question, however it's worth 8 marks if it's not yet the last question, have to state / identify, explain and evaluate (strengths and weaknesses)

S.W.O.T analysis plan

INTRODUCTION - two sentences to examples and show you understand the question (i.e. why a swot analysis is an effective tool)

LINK TO THE BRIEF - answers must be directly inked to the brief throughout, need as many examples / suggestions as possible.

BENEFITS V LIMITATIONS - discuss the main strengths and improvements you have been asked to sinus (answers / examples must link to the brief)

CONCLUSION - therefore I believe the XYX is an effective pre-production tool. 

Lo1 - ethical issues.

Ethical issues are issues in which are seen as morally wrong, they're based more on the public's opinions, for example:

- Representation of people.
- Access to all.
- Use of disturbing imagery.
- Use of offensive materials e.g. images, language

Ethical issues are to do with not being discriminatory, they ensure that media products are accessible to an audience regardless of their age, ethnicity, gender, belief's, disabilities, size or sexuality.

Potential exam quest

ion - identify and explain a potential ethical issue based on the brief  (3 marks).
ASOS have addressed ethical issues such as:
- body image
- range of ethnicities
- challenging the ideal self stereotype.  

Stereotypical elements in the campaign:
- woman of colour in leopard print - cono
- Asian woman, very stylish & seen as androgynous
mixed race woman - side eye  

this is a perfect example of how a company has tacked ethical issues yet has still manged to make it extremely stereotypical.

Ethical issues that would have to be considered within an educational video game aimed at 10-12 year olds on healthy eating would be:

 -representation of people and body image, although the game is trying to promote healthy eating, they still need to consider how they represent 'healthy' looking characters, as stereotypically they'd be seen as thin, however this could be seen as offensive or make kids struggle with their body confidence therefore characters of all sizes need to be used to represent all different types of people. 

- different ranges of food, such as food from different cultures or food that represents different religions or diet choices such as vegetarians.

- Range of characters that are of different races and genders, due to the fact that 10-12 year olds are extremely impressionable, therefore ethical issues are very important as they show these children that all different representations of people are acceptable.

- Images used to represent the effects of eating poorly cannot be graphic due to the age of the target audience.

This advertisement is offensive due to the fact that she’s only 15 years old and holding a phallicaly shaped object in-between her legs, this shows that she is being subjected as a sexual object due to the fact that the bottle has a flower on top in which represents her ‘private’ area, suggesting that if you buy the perfume it’ll help you loose your virginity.

The consequences of not applying ethical issues to your product are ones such as:
  - your product could get banned or removed
 - can massively impact your representation
 - loss in revenue
  - legal action - could be sued,

Lo3 - Production schedule feedback.

Example introduction answer  for PS mock question - (why is a PS effective / ineffective). A production schedule is a planning tool used ...